Lumen Valo’s 25th birthday celebration this year culminated at a concert in Vanha kirkko, Helsinki with a full-length concert for an enthusiastic audience of nearly 300 avid supporters of the ensemble. We offered a spectrum from our repertoire: motets from Dufay and Byrd represented Renaissance polyphony, Schütz and Schein early German Baroque. We also performed a selection of English romantic partsongs by Finzi, Pearsall, Elgar and Stanford from our Gravity set. Our special treat was the world premiere of Sampsa Ertamo’s Four Koans, a zen-like meditation in a self-invented language. The night ended with Monteverdi’s flamboyant Psalm setting Dixit Dominus secondo. We were joined for certain pieces by wonderful musicians from Espoon Barokki. Risto Linnapuomi’s lights were the cherry on the cake!
Great Success at Lumen Valo’s 25th Anniversary Concert